Monday, May 17, 2010

ESPN + Cavs losing = LEBRONN (Lebron Network)

So the cavs lost, Iwatched the games, I saw the ESPN post game coverage, i've read the articles online, I've been doing my NBA fan due diligence. Before i get into my beefs about the whole situation I want to defend Lebrons play in the series, HE HAD A TRIPLE DOUBLE WITH A MESSED UP ELBOW AND PEOPLE SAID HE DIDN'T GIVE HIS ALL!!!!!! Like seriously, i understand people hold him to a higher pedestal because he is so immensely talented, can do things like that with ease at times, and a championship shouldn't be as elusive as it is, BUT!!!!! the man had little to no help from his team, Mo williams played hard in the first half of that last game but other than that he was nothing, the guy nearly airballed a wide open floater late in the 4th, Antawn BUM ASS Jamison disappeared in the entire series and made Garnett look like his old self when hes really just his old self (an older, less talented, less athletic, less cool version of what he used to be), and Shaq, i always wondered when he'd get old, and that shit happened about a season or 2 ago, hes a liability now more than an asset, i feel like if he played less they probably would have done better. While Lebron tried his hardest to get them back in that game and back into that series, i don't want to hear about how he doesn't want to win and only cares about money or any of that stuff, he played harder than ANYBODY else on his team and left it all out there only to have his team leave him out to dry, with a bad elbow i might add, (i know kobes hurt too but he has better pieces around him and lebron got hurt in the playoffs).....but back to the topic of all this lebron coverage on ESPN

I AM SICK AND TIRED OF HEARING ABOUT THIS SHIT!!!!!!!!!!! Ok true, hes arguably the biggest free agent ever and hes still in his prime (he may even get better if you think hes still working on his shot and man to man defense) but REALLY ESPN???? You're really gonna make this the biggest story when NOTHING will be happening until July 1? You're really gonna give him his own tab at the bottom of the screen? You don't think thats a little over the top?..........Well i do, and honestly its kind of disrespectful to the teams left in the playoffs, especially Boston, for them to talk about him A LOT more than any of them. I'll give my predictions later on who i think will win it all, but this whole situation has really just fortified the new idea about sports being more about star players than teams nowadays. True he is the biggest star in the sport, but hes never won a championship and all these other teams deserve the coverage hes receiving for actually beating quality teams (EXCEPT ORLANDO!!!!! Atlanta was soooooooo overrated and charlotte was a joke). I think its something thats been gradual but has never been stronger than it is now with this Lebron Hoopla, then again, this kind of stuff never happens, the BIGGEST star being a free agent in his prime and actually is considering leaving, but still, its annoying as hell to have to see it 24/7 when i watch espn. To give my 2 cents on what i think he'll do, i'll say this: If he does in fact leave Cleveland (at first i thought this was extremely likely, but as time passes and i realize that in the NBA 1 year can mean million things the Cavs aren't looking that good anymore), if he does Cleveland, i think New Jersey makes the most sense, they already have Brooke Lopez, Devin Harris, most likely the #1 pick, and i'll even throw Terrence Williams into it. Thats 4 solid pieces, then you add lebron, heck they could even trade devin Harris is they get the 1st pick for a Big man and draft John Wall. They could use the money to even sign a Chris Bosh to go along with Lebron. Tell me a starting lineup of John Wall, Terrence Williams, Lebron James, Chris Bosh, and Brooke Lopez wouldn't be formidable? A lot of people are talking Chicago now and i mean that'd be amazing to watch cause i'm a big Derrick Rose fan and hes better than anybody on New jersey, but Rose is kind of a drive man and it'd be weird having him and Lebron when they both need the ball a lot, and i would think Lebron wants more offense from the other pieces along with Rose and i don't think they could add a Chris Bosh so they'd be lacking in that department. I think theres NO CHANCE he goes to NY, they have nothing to entice him with except fame and Lebron is arguably one of the most famous athletes in the world already. Miami, i think thats not likely, the more and more i watch the shows talking about it, a Wade+Lebron combo seems less realistic considering their needs, though i think bosh could go with either of them. And if all this talk of Calipari coming as a package deal with lebron to whichever team he goes to is in fact true, tell me Calipari, Lebron, AND john Wall on one team wouldn't lead to a media frenzy, not to mention GREAT HIGHLIGHTS lol. Now about these 4 teams left, I will give my picks in the forms of pictures.

and just for kicks, a final look at the leagues year summed up in a photo