Friday, March 25, 2011

I'm BACKKKKKKKKKKKK.....again........NCAA tourney

IT HAS OCCURRED! My glorious return to blogging has happened once again people, so get excited (or don't). I don't wanna toot my own horn, but i actually decided to get back into this again because I enjoyed reading some of my older posts lol. This will not be what it used to be where i posted daily news consistently, or something where i write every couple months, it will instead be a place where i'll throw in my thoughts on random subjects once a week, maybe biweekly, probably never getting over 6 times a month, but definitely longer than basic blog posts. You come here to leave a comment or 2, or on facebook, or wherever, tell me when i'm wrong, tell me when i'm right, tell me your perspective i never thought of, tell me something.....................please..................i need the jk. But really, let me know what you think if you are reading so we can keep this train riding steady (awaits awkward sexual joke somebody will unequivocally think of) For my first topic......THE NCAA TOURNAMENT!

Ok, can I just say AMAZING! Brittany Griner put up 30 points and 8 blocks in their blowout against West Virginia!!!! and has her baylor team looking good heading into the next round along with the record breaking Connecticut Te-BUWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA i couldn't even type that with a straight face lol(Women don't hate me........just love me) but lets be honest people, is it not sad that womens sports is such an afterthought in todays society? I legitimately had to look up all of that info to even make that joke, i mean i knew who Brittany Griner was and knew Connecticut had that win streak, but other than that, NOTHING, i didn't know who won, i haven't seen a SINGLE highlight on Sportscenter, does this womens NCAA tournament even exist? really? is there a way to PROVE this? lol (i have an ongoing joke with my brother that Wilt Chamberlain's 100 point game never happened because there wasn't any footage, just him cheesing with a sheet of paper with a pencil written "100" on it lol, would that not be a GREAT sports conspiracy though? Kobe would probably cry, Jordan would suit up trying to prove he could crack 90 tomorrow, it'd be incredibly entertaining, but back to the tourney)
YEAH.......WHATS UP WITH WOMENS SPORTS?????? lol, but i mean its kind of sad, i'm a fan of brittany griner cause she dunks and its fun to see a girl do that, but i just don't know what'll happen to womens sports. Are they going to be able to maintain or grow at this rate? is there REALLY that much to look forward to after college for these girls? i can't say "yes" to either of those questions. I don't even know if theres anything they can do to stop it either, i mean there are options, but who's to say they'll make any drastic changes in an attempt to gain fans and money but potentially lose some pride. There are probably 30 guys yelling "I KNOW HOW! LOWER THE RIMS AND LOWER THE SHORTS!!!" when this comes up, and i definitely see the rim thing (the shorts thing may not be a good look for some of these muscular/masculine ladies)but I say why not? what do they have to lose? ooooooo eighteen 60 year old women will yell "THEY'VE RUINED THE GAME!!!!" but you potentially gain hundreds if not thousands from dunking alone. Being on top 10 is a possibility, it'll add a lot of excitement to the WNBA and to college basketball, heck it might make girls want to play basketball. (They can make exceptions for the shorts and tops thing for the sexy ones *in love sigh*)
but i couldn't see things like lowering the rim, or cutting out teams, or even playing around with the 3 point line hurting them THAT much, its a dying outlet, why not give it a chance on its way out? But bigger fish to fry, the MENS NCAA TOURNAMENT!!!!! (you see what i did there, i didn't even finish my thoughts on the women, thats how bad it is)

Ok, I've been telling my friends this recently, but I have to be honest, the Mens NCAA tournament is kind of overrated to me. I must say that i'm a pro sports guy from the jump, but i'm a BIG sports guy in general, and yes i filled out a bracket, but i can't say i've watched a single game in its entirety, i haven't been checking my bracket like crazy and all that stuff, its kind of an afterthought for me. I've done the whole "Put your money up and see who gets lucky with a bracket!!!" thing before, its just bleh to me. I've never really been into college basketball much just because i feel like i'm watching second rate talent, most of these guys aren't going to the NBA, I don't enjoy spending my time watching guys who'll end up as legends at the YMCA more often than Hall of Famers or All Stars.
The one thing i watch college basketball for now is for those special NBA prospects or for certain schools to see how they do with their team set and everything. Jimmer Fredette is an amazing talent, so of course i've become a fan and I've checked to see how hes doing and his stat lines, same with Kemba Walker, not so much with Sullinger, but after tonight, this Derrick Williams kid will be researched thoroughly, and some splashes of Kyrie Irving, Harrison Barnes, and Terrence Jones. Idk, its just, i feel like the upsets are cool and everything, but i kind of want to see the best teams play, and I mean teams like VCU are WINNING(Charlie Sheen voice) these games, but theres a reason a team is ranked high. I'll be the first to say that its kinda fun to see a no name school beat a big team and see them celebrate and show some great team unity and all that, but honestly, i'd rather watch Kentucky play Texas than UNC ashburn. I'll also be the first to admit that there are some close games with crazy finishes and all of that, but i also love points, and a 66-65 final score is a little lame sometimes lol, which goes along with the lesser talent and the format. Its also kinda weird seeing the best teams stay the best teams, like in college basketball, its REALLY hard to have a come up. You may have that great year out the random, but if you're not one of those upper tier schools, get used to getting shat on regularly by them. The best teams get the best recruits, have the most success, and so forth, and these coaches are like Gods to these people. I mean the NBA is far from perfect but all of that plus the talent thing just makes it hard for me to REALLY get into the tourney, its fun to try to guess who'll win and all that jazz, and usually, the best teams make it to the end, but all the extra stuff is annoying. I picked Kansas this year because i felt like everybody was saying ohio state was the best team in the country and i like how deep they are as a whole, if they win, good for them, if they lose, i won't be upset or anything. Its like if you're not so great friend gets an A or a C on a test, both times you're giving the "Ahhhh....ok" response lol.
But it is fun to watch the prospects, it looks like a bad draft class overall, but i'm anxious to see what Fredette and Kemba become in the NBA, will they Steph curry? JJ redick? Juan Dixon?I wanna see what happens with this Harrison Barnes kid too, he seems to have the clutch gene, he can shoot, and has some athleticism to him, good things for an nba prospect.

I'm out for now, look out for a post about Music soon