Friday, May 27, 2011

State of the NBA

On the eve of the 2011 NBA finals being set where the Dallas Mavericks are going to take on the Miami Heat theres only really one thing to say, YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS
Haha for those of you that know me, I've been a Dallas Maverick fan since I got into basketball and Dirk has been my favorite player for a good chunk of his career so seeing them back in the finals in a year like this where they had to go through the Blazers, Lakers, AND the Thunder has been amazing to say the least. And of course, those who know me, also know that I am a HUGE Lebron James fan and have been sincerely rooting for the Heat this year in the first year of the big 3 with the "us against the world" mantra being a staple throughout, so seeing them beat Philly, Boston, AND Chicago has also been amazing to watch. This scenario has been a dream and nightmare for me because I'm ecstatic to see both teams make the finals and its great that one of them will win, but thats just it, only ONE of them will win, the other will go home crushed after all that hard work ringless, one of my favorite players in the world will still be ringless, WHYYYYYYYYYYYY. But i'll be positive, if Dallas wins i'm happy my boy Dirk gets his ring, cements his legacy, and gets some vengeance against Miami in the finals (i want to note that Dallas lost in 2006 because of the refs making horrible calls, Miami didn't win that series, the refs gave it to them, watch the footage if you don't believe me), this is probably their last real chance at it where Miami probably will be there or close to it for the next 5 years, i can live with that. If Miami wins, it'll be poetic justice at its finest, the big 3 shuts the haters up, my boy Lebron FINALLY gets his ring and really and truly cements his legacy as one of the greatest to ever play the game, Dallas still shows they got some fight in them, Nowitzki gets some love for his historic playoff run, i can live with that. I'll get to my pick at the end of this, but i want to get into the rest of the League and my thoughts on things first.
There will be a new champion, the reign of the Lakers and Celtics for the past couple years is over for now, some new blood will get a ring. First, the Lakers, you were going for your 3peat, you felt like you only got better by adding Matt Barnes, and Steve Blake and losing Farmer and Vujacic, this was your time to let Phil Go out on top and get Kobe his 6th, WHAT HAPPENED?!?!?!?!?!?! I'm gonna be honest right now, the ONLY team i thought could beat the Heat in a series was the Lakers, NOBODY ELSE, not the celtics, not the bulls, not the mavs, not the spurs. I didn't care about the regular season games where Miami won, I mean it was great to see because I felt like those were some of the only games that Miami actually got up for and it showed them they could beat the best, but i thought that in a series, the Lakers should almost always be favored barring injuries. They had a meltdown unlike anything I've ever seen really for a champion with players of that talent level, they faltered against Chris Paul + 11, and not only did they lose to the older Mavs team, THEY GOT SWEPT!!! As a mavs fan I was happy to see it, but it was baffling really, i do want to note that I did enjoy watching the overrated Pau Gasol have a horrible post season though, i'm sick and tired of people calling him "The best big man in the league" or the best 4 or any of that, hes good but I really and truly don't think hes that great and HES STILL SOFT, I can name multiple guys i think are better than him, Dwight Howard, Dirk Nowitzki, and Amare Stoudemire first and foremost, and i might be able to keep going. But back to the Lakers, you blew it guys, this was supposed to be a storybook ending for Phil and Kobe, If you're looking to rebuild and Dwight is a possibility, GET HIM! hes better than bynum or Pau and you have odom to play the 4, and add some more athletes and shooters off the bench if you want a title. NOW, on to the Celtics, the team I probably hate more than anybody else, the team that stood in my boy Lebrons way for the past couple years. YOU LOST!!! YOU SUCK!!! YOU'RE OLD AND WASHED UP!!!!! I almost want to end it at that, but i have to ridicule them some more. I understand that Perkins wasn't looking the greatest, but the trade was horrible, if you're going to give away one of your greatest strengths you HAVE to get more than Jeff green and Nenad Kristic, I can't believe that was the best offer you got for perk and nate robinson. To me, Jeff Green is a 2nd option at best, probably 3rd or a guy who comes off the bench for points more likely, and Kristic is ok at best. You put all your hopes in Shaq and Jermaine O'Neal which was incredibly stupid of you because A. They're both old and washed up, and B. They're both old and washed up, Yes Shaq played well at the beginning of the season and yes Jermaine didn't do badly in the playoffs, but to give up a much younger Perkins for what you got out of it, wasn't worth it, gave your season away. It killed the team spirit as their whole "our starting 5 has never lost a series" thing went out the window, Rondo was mad, the big 3 was mad, you added random pieces that never seemed to fit when you arguably were the team to beat in the east, just ridiculous. I also want to note that, yes i understand that Perkins wanted an extension that they didn't want to give him based on his knees and how he looks now (not that great) but what i'm really mad at you about is what you got for him, its inexcusable for me. The Heat made you look old and washed up, granted rondo wasn't 100%, but I think the Heat win regardless, Lebron finally got the Celtics monkey off his back and I LOVE that in the post game interview after they won he noted that the Celtics "showed them the blueprint for the big 3" and that they joined forces "because of them" it brought a great big smile to my face that the Anti-Heat cause the creation of the current Heat and beat them handedly. But on to the other teams of note:

Thunder: You put up a valiant effort but went up against an unstoppable force in the Mavs and Dirk this post season. You guys really did a lot better than I thought you were going to do and made your way to the Western Conference finals in your second KD lead playoff run which is commendable. Russel Westbrook, its hard to even put it into words but I'll give it a try, YOU'RE NOT THE GUY, KEVIN DURANT IS THE GUY, STOP ACTING LIKE AN IDIOT AND TAKING DUMB SHOTS TRYING TO BE JORDAN WHEN YOU HAVE THE #1 SCORER IN THE LEAGUE 2 FEET TO YOUR RIGHT, IF YOU KEEP DOING THIS YOU'LL END UP BEING THE BEST PLAYER ON THE TIMBERWOLVES.....ahhhh, feels good............they need to get another scorer in the post and we'll see if Harden becomes the offensive beast they think he might be

Bulls: You had the best record, you had the youngest MVP ever, you had the coach of the year......but you didn't have a solid #2 option. The Heat abused you and made Derrick Rose feel like Lebron has felt for the past 7 years, they need another scorer or Boozer or Deng have to get better. They're defense is great and all, but when it came down to the big stage, the Heat showed them why they joined forces and had multiple guys come up big. D rose you are amazing and i can't even say you didn't deserve your MVP, but you guys aren't there yet and will have to figure out how to get the scoring you need if you ever want to be. I also find it incredibly amusing that all these people were talking about the bulls being so great in the regular season and beating the Heat and that they were so much more well rounded (even my favorite basketball analyst Charles Barkley) and in the playoffs the Heat whooped them in 5 with Wade not playing well for the most part. I may be wrong, but i doubt it.

Spurs: See Celtics post, you're old and washed up, rebuild

Grizzlies: Second best story of the playoffs behind Miami, you made the playoffs even more fun than they already were, Z bo is a beast, Greivis hit a big shot, and they did it all without Rudy Gay......hmmmmm does this mean BIG TRADE?!?!?!

Orlando: Get something for Dwight before he leaves, peep what the nuggets did, copy that, then rebuild/trade small pieces for a big piece potentially

Atlanta: You did a lot better than you should have, looks like Josh Smith might get traded, giving Joe Johnson that 100 million looks a little less dumb now, but still pretty dumb

Cleveland: Kyrie Erving + Random European Big + JJ Hickson < Lebron James

Washington: John Wall is a beast, Jordan Crawford reminds me of Jamal Crawford, McGee looks like he can be pretty good, GET A BIG WHO CAN SCORE PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

My pick for the finals:
Heat in 6

Friday, March 25, 2011

I'm BACKKKKKKKKKKKK.....again........NCAA tourney

IT HAS OCCURRED! My glorious return to blogging has happened once again people, so get excited (or don't). I don't wanna toot my own horn, but i actually decided to get back into this again because I enjoyed reading some of my older posts lol. This will not be what it used to be where i posted daily news consistently, or something where i write every couple months, it will instead be a place where i'll throw in my thoughts on random subjects once a week, maybe biweekly, probably never getting over 6 times a month, but definitely longer than basic blog posts. You come here to leave a comment or 2, or on facebook, or wherever, tell me when i'm wrong, tell me when i'm right, tell me your perspective i never thought of, tell me something.....................please..................i need the jk. But really, let me know what you think if you are reading so we can keep this train riding steady (awaits awkward sexual joke somebody will unequivocally think of) For my first topic......THE NCAA TOURNAMENT!

Ok, can I just say AMAZING! Brittany Griner put up 30 points and 8 blocks in their blowout against West Virginia!!!! and has her baylor team looking good heading into the next round along with the record breaking Connecticut Te-BUWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA i couldn't even type that with a straight face lol(Women don't hate me........just love me) but lets be honest people, is it not sad that womens sports is such an afterthought in todays society? I legitimately had to look up all of that info to even make that joke, i mean i knew who Brittany Griner was and knew Connecticut had that win streak, but other than that, NOTHING, i didn't know who won, i haven't seen a SINGLE highlight on Sportscenter, does this womens NCAA tournament even exist? really? is there a way to PROVE this? lol (i have an ongoing joke with my brother that Wilt Chamberlain's 100 point game never happened because there wasn't any footage, just him cheesing with a sheet of paper with a pencil written "100" on it lol, would that not be a GREAT sports conspiracy though? Kobe would probably cry, Jordan would suit up trying to prove he could crack 90 tomorrow, it'd be incredibly entertaining, but back to the tourney)
YEAH.......WHATS UP WITH WOMENS SPORTS?????? lol, but i mean its kind of sad, i'm a fan of brittany griner cause she dunks and its fun to see a girl do that, but i just don't know what'll happen to womens sports. Are they going to be able to maintain or grow at this rate? is there REALLY that much to look forward to after college for these girls? i can't say "yes" to either of those questions. I don't even know if theres anything they can do to stop it either, i mean there are options, but who's to say they'll make any drastic changes in an attempt to gain fans and money but potentially lose some pride. There are probably 30 guys yelling "I KNOW HOW! LOWER THE RIMS AND LOWER THE SHORTS!!!" when this comes up, and i definitely see the rim thing (the shorts thing may not be a good look for some of these muscular/masculine ladies)but I say why not? what do they have to lose? ooooooo eighteen 60 year old women will yell "THEY'VE RUINED THE GAME!!!!" but you potentially gain hundreds if not thousands from dunking alone. Being on top 10 is a possibility, it'll add a lot of excitement to the WNBA and to college basketball, heck it might make girls want to play basketball. (They can make exceptions for the shorts and tops thing for the sexy ones *in love sigh*)
but i couldn't see things like lowering the rim, or cutting out teams, or even playing around with the 3 point line hurting them THAT much, its a dying outlet, why not give it a chance on its way out? But bigger fish to fry, the MENS NCAA TOURNAMENT!!!!! (you see what i did there, i didn't even finish my thoughts on the women, thats how bad it is)

Ok, I've been telling my friends this recently, but I have to be honest, the Mens NCAA tournament is kind of overrated to me. I must say that i'm a pro sports guy from the jump, but i'm a BIG sports guy in general, and yes i filled out a bracket, but i can't say i've watched a single game in its entirety, i haven't been checking my bracket like crazy and all that stuff, its kind of an afterthought for me. I've done the whole "Put your money up and see who gets lucky with a bracket!!!" thing before, its just bleh to me. I've never really been into college basketball much just because i feel like i'm watching second rate talent, most of these guys aren't going to the NBA, I don't enjoy spending my time watching guys who'll end up as legends at the YMCA more often than Hall of Famers or All Stars.
The one thing i watch college basketball for now is for those special NBA prospects or for certain schools to see how they do with their team set and everything. Jimmer Fredette is an amazing talent, so of course i've become a fan and I've checked to see how hes doing and his stat lines, same with Kemba Walker, not so much with Sullinger, but after tonight, this Derrick Williams kid will be researched thoroughly, and some splashes of Kyrie Irving, Harrison Barnes, and Terrence Jones. Idk, its just, i feel like the upsets are cool and everything, but i kind of want to see the best teams play, and I mean teams like VCU are WINNING(Charlie Sheen voice) these games, but theres a reason a team is ranked high. I'll be the first to say that its kinda fun to see a no name school beat a big team and see them celebrate and show some great team unity and all that, but honestly, i'd rather watch Kentucky play Texas than UNC ashburn. I'll also be the first to admit that there are some close games with crazy finishes and all of that, but i also love points, and a 66-65 final score is a little lame sometimes lol, which goes along with the lesser talent and the format. Its also kinda weird seeing the best teams stay the best teams, like in college basketball, its REALLY hard to have a come up. You may have that great year out the random, but if you're not one of those upper tier schools, get used to getting shat on regularly by them. The best teams get the best recruits, have the most success, and so forth, and these coaches are like Gods to these people. I mean the NBA is far from perfect but all of that plus the talent thing just makes it hard for me to REALLY get into the tourney, its fun to try to guess who'll win and all that jazz, and usually, the best teams make it to the end, but all the extra stuff is annoying. I picked Kansas this year because i felt like everybody was saying ohio state was the best team in the country and i like how deep they are as a whole, if they win, good for them, if they lose, i won't be upset or anything. Its like if you're not so great friend gets an A or a C on a test, both times you're giving the "Ahhhh....ok" response lol.
But it is fun to watch the prospects, it looks like a bad draft class overall, but i'm anxious to see what Fredette and Kemba become in the NBA, will they Steph curry? JJ redick? Juan Dixon?I wanna see what happens with this Harrison Barnes kid too, he seems to have the clutch gene, he can shoot, and has some athleticism to him, good things for an nba prospect.

I'm out for now, look out for a post about Music soon

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Lebron, I got your back

Unless you're dead or have literally not had internet, television, or people contact for the past 2 days, you know Lebron James decided to sign to the Miami Heat to join D Wade and Chris Bosh. The negative flack that has ensued is something I've never seen for an athlete that hasn't killed, raped, or committed adultery 14 times (thought I'd forget about you Tiger didn't you? HA , nigga you ain't living that one down), its ridiculous, ITS A FUCKING JOKE. The knock on Lebron for the past, we'll say 3-4 years, has been that he doesn't care about winning and that he just wants to be a billionaire athlete and build his brand, and that though extremely talented, he doesn't come up clutch when needed. So this year James loses in the second round of the playoffs when he gets NO help from anybody on his team and opts out so that he can become a free agent and explore his options as any player should. He takes meetings with multiple teams including the cavs, and hears what they have to offer him and what pieces they have to put around him. After a tough week or 2, he decides to go to the team with the best chance of winning and takes LESS money than he could have gotten in Cleveland. WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE??????? CAN HE EVER DO RIGHT?????????? Believe me, I'll be the first to say the manner at which he left the Cavs wasn't the greatest, i.e. having a 1 hour special on national tv announcing hes leaving and having a flunkie call the Cavs and let them know. BUT DAMN, he did what all these naysayers have been saying hes not all about, he took LESS money, and went to the team with the best chance of winning. Can you really blame him for wanting to win a title(s) with his friends?

First of all, lets be honest people, the rest of the Cavs players suck, the ONLY thing that would warrant him staying was if they added another big piece like a Chris Bosh or an Amare Stoudemire, or maybe if they got Phil Jackson just because hes Phil Jackson and winning titles is kind of his thing. THERE IS NO WAY that Cavs team with no changes and still having Lebron beats the Celtics or the Magic, and they have a helluva hard time with the new look Miami (D wade, Bosh, and other pieces paid with the money lebron ended up getting) and new look Chicago. I think any real basketball fan, like true basketball fan, can see why he did it and can't be mad at him for leaving. I'M SICK AND TIRED of hearing about how "Kobe waited in LA" and how "Michael waited in Chicago" and all that other bull shit, cause that's all it is, bull shit. Kobe was acting like a little bitch for most of the time in LA, lets be honest, he forced the Shaq trade because they butted heads, requested a trade himself at some point, and clowned on Andrew Bynum when he didn't beast out his first couple seasons. LA was a proven franchise at putting pieces around their stars, not to mention they had the greatest basketball coach to ever live just hanging around and the "oh so holy" Kobe acted like that. Oh yeah, they also had one of the most lopsided trades in the history of basketball go their way with Pau Gasol, partly because the 2 GMs were buddies. Kobe is great, i'm not taking anything away from him, but that argument is BS to me because Lebron was not in the same situation and wasn't given reason to believe things would look any brighter where he was. With Michael Jordan, hes the best basketball player ever A., and B. Scottie Pippen and Dennis Rodman, Pippen being another perennial All star and one of the 50 greatest basketball players to ever play the game, and Rodman being one of the best rebounders and defenders to ever play the game, PS. Philip Douglas Jackson. Was he REALLY the same as Michael and Kobe? REALLY????

I'll give Cleveland the benefit of the doubt and say they tried to woo stars to play along side Lebron, they tried to get Amare last season, this summer they tried to get Bosh, they tried to get Shaq before he became a bag of cement, they really tried. After 7 years though, they never were successful, they surrounded him with second rate talent that looked better than they actually were because they played on shit teams before the Cavs or played with Lebron for a regular season. Antawn Jamison got ballooned stats because he played in Washington, disappeared in the playoffs this year, and in my opinion was never really all that good even before his current "almost washed up" status. Mo Williams got ballooned stats because he played on the Bucks, disappeared in the playoffs (minus one half) and was also never really that good but suffered from "i play with lebron so people think i'm better when we do well in the regular season" syndrome. Why waste his good years in Cleveland where hes undoubtedly the man, but had no real sign the help he needed was coming?

Lebron is 25, hes seen the likes of Charles Barkley(who i'm beefing with because of his comments on this situation), Karl Malone, John Stockton, and nearly Gary Payton. Gary got his title at the end of his career by piggy backing on some greats with D Wade and Shaq (though i don't want to even speak of the officiating that series as a Maverick fan), but the rest of those truly great players didn't ever get a ring. Malone tried to piggy back at the end of his career with the Lakers but was unsuccessful and unceremoniously retired thereafter, because thats the thing with piggy backing at the end of your career, you usually only have 1 good shot. Lebron didn't want that to happen to him, he didn't want to be 31 in Cleveland without a title. What of his legacy then? Would be the best to ever not win a title?

His legacy to me will be that of a truly great player with athletic gifts that I've never really seen before, who was unselfish and put winning above everything else. He will win a title or titles in Miami and I will be happy to see it happen. I think he'll be called D Wades sidekick right up until he takes over and wins them a series. And no I'm not a Lebron dick rider, I'm just a fan of basketball and couldn't sit there and let him get played like that. Shout out to the king. Cough, fly me out for a game, cough

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Drake sold about 460K, Did he save music?

Short answer, No. Better question, did music need to be saved? Lets be hooooooooooooooooooooonest, the expectations for Drakes debut album "Thank me Later" were a little to high for his given situation. Many predicted 500K or better, Lil Wayne was recorded saying he thought Drake "might do 2 million" (no wonder hes in jail, being that stupid should be a crime! OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH PS. Don't kill me young money, and keep your head up lil tunechi). But yeah i mean he almost reached that 500K point, which when you REALLY think about it, it would have been amazing for him to reach. Jay-z didn't do 500K in his first week with the Blueprint 3, none of the other new guys even came close to 400K (cudi, Asher roth, B.o.B., and DEFINITELY not Wale, he sold like 10 albums, all in DC), and the only one to really go above and beyond that recently was Eminem when he did 600K mainly because of Carter 3 syndrome which occurs when you don't put out an album for years.

I want to note that the Carter 3 selling a million in the first week was great, but it was also kind of fluke because he didn't put out a CD in years and just did mixtapes and hopped on every feature available to get his status up, i'm sick and tired of people hyping him up so much for that, Kanye or Jay-z would have done the same thing under those stipulations. Lets not forget he tried to pull a Kanye with "Rebirth" and FAILED HORRIBLY!!!!!!!!!!!!! he didn't go #1, he didn't sell shit, and the CD was actually really bad, i'm gonna need all these lil wayne heads to remember that when they talk about 808s, which was a success in every sense of the word, went #1 and sold 400K + first week, had multiple top 10 hits, generated enough for multiple singles and videos, and was critically acclaimed by many. lol i'm sorry i had to go on that tangent, but i really needed to say that about Lil Wayne, but back to Drake.

Oh Drizzle AKA Drizzy AKA Jimmy from Degrassi AKA "Ever, Greatest"AKA Young Angel AKA Mr. Aubrey Graham (has to be the gayest name for a rapper ever, unless J Cole is short for Jennifer Coletta). You should be happy, selling that much is great, you beat all those other new guys you're compared to, you really beat out everybody who isn't at the very top of music right now, go play hockey in Toronto or something. Its great to have high hopes, but if you think of this as a disappointment you must not be too realistic mister. The whole talk of Drake saving music, or hip hop music rather, just doesn't make much sense. I personally don't really think it needed saving, its been widely accepted over the past couple years that artists don't sell that many records anymore, they make a lot more money on tours and using their talents in other fields with the whole being an entrepreneur thing. Drake is still going to be rich just like the big rappers before him, and people are going to listen to his album and judge it accordingly (i thought it was pretty good, probably a 7 out of 10). I almost feel like nowadays people only really buy albums to support the artist, not to actually listen to the music, well young people anyways. So for them to get the sales they used to get, they're going to have to either offer the listeners something they can't download, or make it so that the people want to support the artist SOOOO much, that they'll actually want to or even need to buy the album, or somehow lower prices and make that very apparent to the people. Drake did his due diligence with this one though, its his first CD so honestly he kind of knocked this one out the park sales wise. To put it in perspective, Justin Bieber didn't even put up those numbers first week (neither did Rihanna or lady gaga for that matter).

All in all, whether you hate him or love him, Drake came through strongly with his sales performance, and although it may not have lived up to so some super high expectations, it should be looked at as a success for music and hip hop music. It didn't save music, but it probably saved Baby and Lil Wayne cause the rest of Young money/Cash money is kinda slackin. (Nicki thats your cue for the lesbian sex tape)

PS. Drake sounds like a STRAIGHT UP BITCH when he talks about the Rihanna situation in interviews, "she made me feel small, she made me feel nervous", Baby imma need you cut off his balls real quick, i'm sure it ain't the first time you've done it

Monday, May 17, 2010

ESPN + Cavs losing = LEBRONN (Lebron Network)

So the cavs lost, Iwatched the games, I saw the ESPN post game coverage, i've read the articles online, I've been doing my NBA fan due diligence. Before i get into my beefs about the whole situation I want to defend Lebrons play in the series, HE HAD A TRIPLE DOUBLE WITH A MESSED UP ELBOW AND PEOPLE SAID HE DIDN'T GIVE HIS ALL!!!!!! Like seriously, i understand people hold him to a higher pedestal because he is so immensely talented, can do things like that with ease at times, and a championship shouldn't be as elusive as it is, BUT!!!!! the man had little to no help from his team, Mo williams played hard in the first half of that last game but other than that he was nothing, the guy nearly airballed a wide open floater late in the 4th, Antawn BUM ASS Jamison disappeared in the entire series and made Garnett look like his old self when hes really just his old self (an older, less talented, less athletic, less cool version of what he used to be), and Shaq, i always wondered when he'd get old, and that shit happened about a season or 2 ago, hes a liability now more than an asset, i feel like if he played less they probably would have done better. While Lebron tried his hardest to get them back in that game and back into that series, i don't want to hear about how he doesn't want to win and only cares about money or any of that stuff, he played harder than ANYBODY else on his team and left it all out there only to have his team leave him out to dry, with a bad elbow i might add, (i know kobes hurt too but he has better pieces around him and lebron got hurt in the playoffs).....but back to the topic of all this lebron coverage on ESPN

I AM SICK AND TIRED OF HEARING ABOUT THIS SHIT!!!!!!!!!!! Ok true, hes arguably the biggest free agent ever and hes still in his prime (he may even get better if you think hes still working on his shot and man to man defense) but REALLY ESPN???? You're really gonna make this the biggest story when NOTHING will be happening until July 1? You're really gonna give him his own tab at the bottom of the screen? You don't think thats a little over the top?..........Well i do, and honestly its kind of disrespectful to the teams left in the playoffs, especially Boston, for them to talk about him A LOT more than any of them. I'll give my predictions later on who i think will win it all, but this whole situation has really just fortified the new idea about sports being more about star players than teams nowadays. True he is the biggest star in the sport, but hes never won a championship and all these other teams deserve the coverage hes receiving for actually beating quality teams (EXCEPT ORLANDO!!!!! Atlanta was soooooooo overrated and charlotte was a joke). I think its something thats been gradual but has never been stronger than it is now with this Lebron Hoopla, then again, this kind of stuff never happens, the BIGGEST star being a free agent in his prime and actually is considering leaving, but still, its annoying as hell to have to see it 24/7 when i watch espn. To give my 2 cents on what i think he'll do, i'll say this: If he does in fact leave Cleveland (at first i thought this was extremely likely, but as time passes and i realize that in the NBA 1 year can mean million things the Cavs aren't looking that good anymore), if he does Cleveland, i think New Jersey makes the most sense, they already have Brooke Lopez, Devin Harris, most likely the #1 pick, and i'll even throw Terrence Williams into it. Thats 4 solid pieces, then you add lebron, heck they could even trade devin Harris is they get the 1st pick for a Big man and draft John Wall. They could use the money to even sign a Chris Bosh to go along with Lebron. Tell me a starting lineup of John Wall, Terrence Williams, Lebron James, Chris Bosh, and Brooke Lopez wouldn't be formidable? A lot of people are talking Chicago now and i mean that'd be amazing to watch cause i'm a big Derrick Rose fan and hes better than anybody on New jersey, but Rose is kind of a drive man and it'd be weird having him and Lebron when they both need the ball a lot, and i would think Lebron wants more offense from the other pieces along with Rose and i don't think they could add a Chris Bosh so they'd be lacking in that department. I think theres NO CHANCE he goes to NY, they have nothing to entice him with except fame and Lebron is arguably one of the most famous athletes in the world already. Miami, i think thats not likely, the more and more i watch the shows talking about it, a Wade+Lebron combo seems less realistic considering their needs, though i think bosh could go with either of them. And if all this talk of Calipari coming as a package deal with lebron to whichever team he goes to is in fact true, tell me Calipari, Lebron, AND john Wall on one team wouldn't lead to a media frenzy, not to mention GREAT HIGHLIGHTS lol. Now about these 4 teams left, I will give my picks in the forms of pictures.

and just for kicks, a final look at the leagues year summed up in a photo

Thursday, April 29, 2010

NFL Draft = The Last Legal Slave trade

The NFL draft was last weekend so i feel like i should address it as i return to the whole Blogging world. Its kind of funny when you think about it, but really, other than the fact that they are going to end up getting PAAAAAAAAAAAID, the whole Draft process is like the slave trade. "How high can you jump? How fast can you run? How much can you lift?...........Nigger" lol those are all legit questions addressed in the Combine and private workout parts of the process minus the "Nigger", but if that was added there'd be like no difference. These old rich predominantly white men pick and choose from their litter of mostly poor black men of ridiculous ability lol. I mean i say that all in fun, but to be honest its really hilarious when you think about it logically. We've been trained to be the best NFL and NBA players, FUCK REPARATIONS.

In terms of the picks and sports wise, as a Redskins fan I'm happy with the pick of Trent Williams with the 4th pick though a lot of people consider Okung to be better, Williams has more upside and fits in our system better. I will forever be irate over the fact that the Cowgirls and Tony Homo, i mean Cowboys and Tony Romo, got Dez Bryant with the 24th pick. Dex Bryant is legitimately a top 5 talent and the best receiver in the draft by far to me and the Cowboys who already have 2 receivers get him that late in the 1st round, BULL SHIT. Not to mention that idiot GM from the dolphins asked him if his mom was a prostitute, WHICH IS RIDICULOUSLY WRONG. Hes gonna be a beast in the league and will probably torch my skins for years to come. We also need a big receiver like him badder than probably anything else after getting trent williams, i was somehow hoping we'd trade haynesworth or campbell and get him but i knew it wouldn't happen. And then there's Tim Tebow, i think its kinda weird that all these people who were hating on him in college when he was dominant are rooting for him now and want him/believe he will do well in the NFL. Personally i was never really a big fan in college, i admit i'm kinda rooting for him to do well in the NFL, but honestly, i just don't think he has what it takes to be a successful NFL quarterback. His new throwing motion doesn't really blow me away because i feel like he'll revert to the one hes done his entire career when there's pressure, and THERE WILL BE PRESSURE. He will also not be able to run nearly as much because guys in the NFL are a lot faster and will not have the fans or surroundings he had at Florida. The Broncos trading up in the 1st round to draft him ahead of Clausen baffled me, i know the guy has incredible work ethic and is a high character guy, but you gotta have it on the field when it comes to the NFL. I also want to note that no quarterback really blew me away this draft, Jimmy Clausen looks like a 12 year old and doesn't seem to command anything, Bradford impressed me the most but can't seem to be able to take a hit (did you see those vids of him getting injured, those hits were not hard AT ALL), and Tebow is an H-back to me. I feel like the seahawks made major upgrades with Okung and Earl Thomas and got some good trades for Leon Washington and Lendel who could be a nice 1-2 punch. The 49ers solidified their O line which was BIG and got the safety Taylor mays in the 2nd round which was really good for the value. Jimmy Clausen also got really lucky he ended up in Carolina, they have a run game, they have a big time receiver, they have an ok O line, and their current Qb isn't that good. Thats about it for now, i'll get into the NBA playoffs later (NEED MY MAVS TO WIN TONIGHT!!!!!!!)

Drake and Eminem dropped singles today, both are good

Eminem dropped his new single "Not Afraid" from his new CD "Recovery" and Drizzy Drake dropped "Find your love" produced by Kanye West. First and foremost, I'm gonna speak on Drake because his CD is probably gonna come out before Eminem's and this is his second single after "Over". I first became a Drake fan after listening to "A night off" ft Lloyd and I really vibed out to his singing on "So far gone" before i got into his rapping to be honest. This song is all singing, so i'm thinking its gonna do well with the female demographic and have them salivating for this degrassi kid for a little bit. It definitely has an 808s and heartbreak style beat which makes sense because Kanye produced it, but it is definitely a lot more upbeat/happy and doesn't have the T-Pain esque autotune that everybody seems to hate. I like it, i think i'll give it a few more listens before i say i love it, but its a solid song and i think it'll do pretty good on radio. Honestly, i'm expecting his CD "Thank me Later" to be a classic piece of work, he has everything in place for it to be a smash, big name features, solid producers, a team to keep it all flowing together well, and the talent. Now Eminem, my feelings about him have been weird as of late, i admit that back in the day he was an ANIMAL lyrically, he murdered Jay-z on his own song, "Lose yourself" won an oscar, the kid was unbelievable. Later in his career though i always felt he went too easily to the stupid raps where he sounded like an idiot and played around too much, i mean i can appreciate that in spurts, but i expect him to come with the real shit too. To me, the relapse was a failure, other than "Beautiful" i thought it was like ALL dumb/stupid rap and i really was disappointed with the come back. BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT then he came with the "forever" verse and started dropping hard freestyles and stuff, and now comes out with the "Not Afraid" record, where he definitely is going hard. I like it, i'm so happy hes coming with stuff like this with the new Cd. He even mentions that "Relapse"was wack and says he'll never go back to that, which i'm ECSTATIC about. I really like the song, i'm expecting heat to come from this album. This is gonna be a good year for hip hop, theres Drake, Eminem, B.o.B., J.Cole, and probably some others, potentially Kanye and Dr. Dre (the Detox isn't gonna come out till 2029).

Monday, April 26, 2010

He's like a white, Canadian version of Sammie

Ah Justin Bieber, his name is almost too easy to make fun of but at the same time you don't want to because hes just so darn tween dreamy *eyes twinkle* (i think his fans should be called Bieber Babies or something like that, i just think it fits too well not to be used) But this Bieber kid, I decided to give my take on arguably the biggest thing to hit pop/R&B music in recent memory excluding people that rhyme with shmady caca (its lady gaga, did you get it? i knew you would). The hoopla about this guy is crazy, though it has died down a little recently because "Baby" has been out for a while, hes supposedly on tour or something, and his next single "Eenie Meanie" ft Sean Kingston is just starting to pick up more steam. Before i get into the bulk of it, i would like to add that the Eenie meanie track is FIYYYYYYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAA, i'll be honest and say it has an incredibly stupid chorus and its pretty generic, but its catchy as all hell and its one of those songs that blends both artists styles well, you'll probably have to listen to it a couple times before you get to that point but i'm calling it now that it has a good shot at going #1. BUT BACK TO BIEBER MANIA!!! After a ton of research and studying, i believe the hype about this 16 year old kid is.......drum roll please............DESERVED. Yep, I said it, I think its deserved. This kid is actually talented, I mean he can actually sing, not sure about the dancing thing, but he can work on that, just look at Justin Timberlake, he went from boy band dancing to almost Usher in like a year. And another thing to note about his last CD, he actually had writing credits on every song, including one song where he wrote the entire thing (wikipedia it) At first i was like pretty much everybody that wasn't a 13 year old girl, and was skeptic and didn't take the time to listen to his music or study up on him, I mean i heard "One time" and got a glimpse of "baby" but i never really thought much of him, that was until i saw THIS on funny or die, he said BITCH, LMAO, this kid is 16 and is a tween sensation and said bitch in a video that would be seen by millions, how can you not give him some love for that?? To be honest though, I really look at Bieber to be somebody to bring back R&B because it has definitely been falling, props to Trey Songz for keeping it alive these past couple months, but Ushers new stuff hasn't blown me away despite little freak being a solid collabo. The kid has chops and its undeniable once you listen to more of his stuff, i don't even have his cd but i can see it. Aside from that though, I mean if you didn't know there was a bidding war to get him between Usher and Justin Timberlake that Usher won, and DRAKE!!!!! actually showed up to his Baby video shoot to show love when i'm sure he had a bazillion things he could have done instead and only got like 5 secs of camera time. Bieber also got to open the new "We are the World" 25 song, which is major shine considering others on the song. I really hope he doesn't fade away like a lot of these young R&B stars though, him being white (no racist) will definitely help a little but isn't full proof, and he has to really grow with his music as he gets older and has a new voice for him to be successful. All in all though, what can you say, in the words of a good friend of mine, "Haters gonna hate" so when it comes to this kid, people are going to hate, but I won't be one of them. And no I'm not gay for listening to R&B/Pop, I'm gay for Justin Bieber *gay sigh*

UPDATE: He also plays guitar and the drums, check out his youtube page


Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Consequence "Whatever U Want (G.O.O.D. Music Remix) ft Kanye West, Common, John Legend, Kid Cudi & Big Sean

Listen Here
This joint is kinda Hot, in my opinion there is no other label really fucking with GOOD music, Young money is nice but other than Wayne and Drake, theres nobody else thats really good, they would be in the 90s in madden but everybody else would be in the 60s or lower probably, while kanye would be in the 90s with common and john legend, then theres cudi whos in the 80s, big sean is coming and could crack the 80s, probably 70s right now, then the rest are in the 70s or lower