Friday, May 27, 2011

State of the NBA

On the eve of the 2011 NBA finals being set where the Dallas Mavericks are going to take on the Miami Heat theres only really one thing to say, YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS
Haha for those of you that know me, I've been a Dallas Maverick fan since I got into basketball and Dirk has been my favorite player for a good chunk of his career so seeing them back in the finals in a year like this where they had to go through the Blazers, Lakers, AND the Thunder has been amazing to say the least. And of course, those who know me, also know that I am a HUGE Lebron James fan and have been sincerely rooting for the Heat this year in the first year of the big 3 with the "us against the world" mantra being a staple throughout, so seeing them beat Philly, Boston, AND Chicago has also been amazing to watch. This scenario has been a dream and nightmare for me because I'm ecstatic to see both teams make the finals and its great that one of them will win, but thats just it, only ONE of them will win, the other will go home crushed after all that hard work ringless, one of my favorite players in the world will still be ringless, WHYYYYYYYYYYYY. But i'll be positive, if Dallas wins i'm happy my boy Dirk gets his ring, cements his legacy, and gets some vengeance against Miami in the finals (i want to note that Dallas lost in 2006 because of the refs making horrible calls, Miami didn't win that series, the refs gave it to them, watch the footage if you don't believe me), this is probably their last real chance at it where Miami probably will be there or close to it for the next 5 years, i can live with that. If Miami wins, it'll be poetic justice at its finest, the big 3 shuts the haters up, my boy Lebron FINALLY gets his ring and really and truly cements his legacy as one of the greatest to ever play the game, Dallas still shows they got some fight in them, Nowitzki gets some love for his historic playoff run, i can live with that. I'll get to my pick at the end of this, but i want to get into the rest of the League and my thoughts on things first.
There will be a new champion, the reign of the Lakers and Celtics for the past couple years is over for now, some new blood will get a ring. First, the Lakers, you were going for your 3peat, you felt like you only got better by adding Matt Barnes, and Steve Blake and losing Farmer and Vujacic, this was your time to let Phil Go out on top and get Kobe his 6th, WHAT HAPPENED?!?!?!?!?!?! I'm gonna be honest right now, the ONLY team i thought could beat the Heat in a series was the Lakers, NOBODY ELSE, not the celtics, not the bulls, not the mavs, not the spurs. I didn't care about the regular season games where Miami won, I mean it was great to see because I felt like those were some of the only games that Miami actually got up for and it showed them they could beat the best, but i thought that in a series, the Lakers should almost always be favored barring injuries. They had a meltdown unlike anything I've ever seen really for a champion with players of that talent level, they faltered against Chris Paul + 11, and not only did they lose to the older Mavs team, THEY GOT SWEPT!!! As a mavs fan I was happy to see it, but it was baffling really, i do want to note that I did enjoy watching the overrated Pau Gasol have a horrible post season though, i'm sick and tired of people calling him "The best big man in the league" or the best 4 or any of that, hes good but I really and truly don't think hes that great and HES STILL SOFT, I can name multiple guys i think are better than him, Dwight Howard, Dirk Nowitzki, and Amare Stoudemire first and foremost, and i might be able to keep going. But back to the Lakers, you blew it guys, this was supposed to be a storybook ending for Phil and Kobe, If you're looking to rebuild and Dwight is a possibility, GET HIM! hes better than bynum or Pau and you have odom to play the 4, and add some more athletes and shooters off the bench if you want a title. NOW, on to the Celtics, the team I probably hate more than anybody else, the team that stood in my boy Lebrons way for the past couple years. YOU LOST!!! YOU SUCK!!! YOU'RE OLD AND WASHED UP!!!!! I almost want to end it at that, but i have to ridicule them some more. I understand that Perkins wasn't looking the greatest, but the trade was horrible, if you're going to give away one of your greatest strengths you HAVE to get more than Jeff green and Nenad Kristic, I can't believe that was the best offer you got for perk and nate robinson. To me, Jeff Green is a 2nd option at best, probably 3rd or a guy who comes off the bench for points more likely, and Kristic is ok at best. You put all your hopes in Shaq and Jermaine O'Neal which was incredibly stupid of you because A. They're both old and washed up, and B. They're both old and washed up, Yes Shaq played well at the beginning of the season and yes Jermaine didn't do badly in the playoffs, but to give up a much younger Perkins for what you got out of it, wasn't worth it, gave your season away. It killed the team spirit as their whole "our starting 5 has never lost a series" thing went out the window, Rondo was mad, the big 3 was mad, you added random pieces that never seemed to fit when you arguably were the team to beat in the east, just ridiculous. I also want to note that, yes i understand that Perkins wanted an extension that they didn't want to give him based on his knees and how he looks now (not that great) but what i'm really mad at you about is what you got for him, its inexcusable for me. The Heat made you look old and washed up, granted rondo wasn't 100%, but I think the Heat win regardless, Lebron finally got the Celtics monkey off his back and I LOVE that in the post game interview after they won he noted that the Celtics "showed them the blueprint for the big 3" and that they joined forces "because of them" it brought a great big smile to my face that the Anti-Heat cause the creation of the current Heat and beat them handedly. But on to the other teams of note:

Thunder: You put up a valiant effort but went up against an unstoppable force in the Mavs and Dirk this post season. You guys really did a lot better than I thought you were going to do and made your way to the Western Conference finals in your second KD lead playoff run which is commendable. Russel Westbrook, its hard to even put it into words but I'll give it a try, YOU'RE NOT THE GUY, KEVIN DURANT IS THE GUY, STOP ACTING LIKE AN IDIOT AND TAKING DUMB SHOTS TRYING TO BE JORDAN WHEN YOU HAVE THE #1 SCORER IN THE LEAGUE 2 FEET TO YOUR RIGHT, IF YOU KEEP DOING THIS YOU'LL END UP BEING THE BEST PLAYER ON THE TIMBERWOLVES.....ahhhh, feels good............they need to get another scorer in the post and we'll see if Harden becomes the offensive beast they think he might be

Bulls: You had the best record, you had the youngest MVP ever, you had the coach of the year......but you didn't have a solid #2 option. The Heat abused you and made Derrick Rose feel like Lebron has felt for the past 7 years, they need another scorer or Boozer or Deng have to get better. They're defense is great and all, but when it came down to the big stage, the Heat showed them why they joined forces and had multiple guys come up big. D rose you are amazing and i can't even say you didn't deserve your MVP, but you guys aren't there yet and will have to figure out how to get the scoring you need if you ever want to be. I also find it incredibly amusing that all these people were talking about the bulls being so great in the regular season and beating the Heat and that they were so much more well rounded (even my favorite basketball analyst Charles Barkley) and in the playoffs the Heat whooped them in 5 with Wade not playing well for the most part. I may be wrong, but i doubt it.

Spurs: See Celtics post, you're old and washed up, rebuild

Grizzlies: Second best story of the playoffs behind Miami, you made the playoffs even more fun than they already were, Z bo is a beast, Greivis hit a big shot, and they did it all without Rudy Gay......hmmmmm does this mean BIG TRADE?!?!?!

Orlando: Get something for Dwight before he leaves, peep what the nuggets did, copy that, then rebuild/trade small pieces for a big piece potentially

Atlanta: You did a lot better than you should have, looks like Josh Smith might get traded, giving Joe Johnson that 100 million looks a little less dumb now, but still pretty dumb

Cleveland: Kyrie Erving + Random European Big + JJ Hickson < Lebron James

Washington: John Wall is a beast, Jordan Crawford reminds me of Jamal Crawford, McGee looks like he can be pretty good, GET A BIG WHO CAN SCORE PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

My pick for the finals:
Heat in 6

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